▲ EXPANDEN VJISM Budapest showcase
Budapest showcase
by Vj Torna International and AV Open Studios
in collaboration with Vj Centrum
Date: 4-5-6-7th of April
Location: Dürer Tower
(Budapest, 1146, Ajtósi Dürer sor 19-21, Hungary
Day 1: Thursday (4th of April)
Location: around Budapest
21:00-00:00 – Moving guerilla mapping in the city selected works by Vj Centrum
Day 2: Friday (5th of April)
Location: Dürer Tower, Exhibition hall
20:00 Exhibition Opening ceremony – János Sugár
Exhibitors: Szabolcs Varga: There are triangles in the other side of the world, VJ Centrum: Art Moments installation, Réka Harsányi : Sense – interactive installation 2013, Interphoton Collection: VJ Torna Mexico Best Mappers, Tarcsay Gábor, Besnyő Dani: Dionaea Incubator, Videoinstallation jungle, József Sós: Problem Solvings
21:30 – Retina juice party with Crimson and Chrome
Location: Dürer Tower, Garden
20:00 – Crystalseals: Auranest installation; Vj Centrum: Guerilla mapping presentation
Day 3: Saturday (6th of April)
Location: AV Open Studios (Dürer Tower, 5th floor)
Workshops (registration needed, max. participants: 12 for each, participation is FREE!)
13:00 – 20:00 – Creative Coding – Introduction to Processing (https://processing.org/https://ioannmaria.com/) by Ioann Maria
16:45-17:30 – Lens, lumens, projection, reprojection lecture by Viktor Vicsek (Limelight Art Projections – https://projectionmappings.eu/)
17:30-20:00 – Mapping practice with MadMapper by Ivó Kovács (Ivo3D – https://3dvideomapping.net/, https://www.madmapper.com/)
15:00-20:00 – CoGe and vjing workshop (https://www.cogevj.hu/) by Tamás Nagy (developer of CoGe)
15:00-17:00 – Brain mapping with Emotiv Epoc (https://www.emotiv.com/) by Andrea Sztojánovits (https://attaray.com/)
18:00-20:00 – The new ways of making online music with Audiotool (https://www.audiotool.com/) and Soundation (https://soundation.com/) by Gabor Borosi(Metropol Stúdió – https://metropolstudio.hu/)
Saturday night events:
Location: Dürer Tower, exhibition hall
21:00-00:30 – Live Acts
- Skogen live act
- Exosphere in. Entalpia by vj Emiko
- Urbanizer AV (Bernáthy Zsiga Live, Gábor Marci Visuals)
00:30-03:00 – Party - Isu / Technokunst
Day 4: Sunday (7th of April)
Location: AV Open Studios (Dürer Tower, 5th floor)
17:00-19:00 – Presentations:
- LPM around the Globe – presentation by Ioann Maria (art director of LPM) – https://2013.liveperformersmeeting.net/
- ‘La petite mort’ av liveact presentation by Attila Fodor (Fine Cut Bodies)
- Become a Dj school presentation by Zoltán Nagy (London, UK) – https://www.becomeadj.co.uk/
- Mcro.d VVVV software presentation by Dávid Mórász – https://www.mcro.de/
- Moblo presentation by Gábor Borosi
19.00 – Lounge – talkings – Round table conference
- Open source – hack the universe
- Mapping – trends
- Expanded vjing
Supported by:
- Culture Programme of the Europian Union
- Mikropo Vizuáltechnika - https://www.mikropo.hu/
- Dürlin Rendezvényház - https://www.durlinbudapest.hu/
- Cinetrip - https://www.cinetrip.hu/
- Becomeadj - https://www.becomeadj.co.uk/
- Metropol Studio - https://metropolstudio.hu/
- Dürer Tower
Organizers and locations:
LPM – Live Performers Meeting – LPM offers the unique opportunity to experience 4 days of audiovisual performances, VJing, workshops, panel discussions, product showcases presented by hundreds of VJs, audiovisual artists, new media professionals and thinkers from around the world.
In fact is this community of artists that made the 2012 Rome edition a surprising event. We hosted more than 500 artists, 275 performances, workshops and showcases, recording an overall amount of 43 participant countries. – https://2013.liveperformersmeeting.net/
VJ Torna International – VJ Torna is world touring VJ contest which offers an inspiring and entertaining experience both for visual pros and the audience. The first competition was organised in 2004 in Budapest, Hungary with the aim of gathering and stimulating video artists from the local and from the international VJ scene. –https://vjtorna.org/
AV Open Studios – The Audiovisual Open Studios (Adventure field – common place – hyper space), a creating and educational centre (hereinafter: AVOS), is devoted to research and educate the given theoretical and technical contents provided by the contemporary audiovisual genres. The ars poetica of AVOS edges along the boundary between theory and practice, in such a ‘place of experience’, which encourages us to explore new types of meanings of audiovisuality. –https://avopenstudios.com/
VJ Centrum – Vj Centrum is the first vj (visual jockey) community studio in Hungary, a central place for workshops, presentations, round-table conferences and technical showcases.
In addition it’s a creative space provides a unique method of visual media artists to show their creativities, talking, analysing and constructing individual projects and make vj education. – https://vjcentrum.hu/